India: The Arrival

I have arrived in India!

The the sun is shining, weather is humid and I have nothing much to report apart from sleep, which I gather is probably disappointing for you to read.

I'm not completely sure that it's jet lag of some description; I think it's very likely just exhaustion from the huge build up of getting here. Looking back, I barely stopped, I was always doing something or seeing someone and now I can have a couple of days to myself and if that involves laying down, occasionally reading a book and sleeping, so be it.

Tomorrow I'll be getting a scooter and I'm hoping to use my bargaining powers (although rusty) to get a good discount for long term rental. After that there will be no stopping me and I'll have tales of animal rescue galore.


Rachwins said...

How long are you in Goa for? I travelled round Kerala last year and loved it, although the words 'culture shock' don't quite sum up the experience! I was supposed to Goa but decided not to as I thought it might be too touristy - was I right, or did I miss a treat? Where were you before?

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