A Little Update and My India in Pictures!

Things here have improved, mostly because of today. It's like a rollercoaster ride, one day can be like banging your head against a wall and the next is just fine! The director of IAR Goa has said he's interested in speaking to me about my ideas which is probably the biggest breath of fresh air I have had since arriving here - maybe I can have a small helping hand in ultimately making a big difference. I've pissed some people off along the way with my contrasting opinions and proactive attitude but I will not change and I will not feel sorry for what I have felt or what I have written. I'm not here to make friends or be loyal to people I simply don't agree with, I'm here for the animals and that's what I'll continue to be here for.

The funniest thing has been that people who appear to be good understanding people have proved themselves otherwise. Every day here is a leaning experience and although I'm not always happy I wouldn't change a thing.

Moving on, I realised that I hardly ever post pictures here, but I take a lot so here are a few to give you a taste of what's going on. Enjoy!


Lex Rigby said...

Fight on Kelly!! Those kitty cats are the cutest.

kelly said...

Looks like you're having a lot of fun Kelly!! Please take good care of yourself! :)

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